Three Years since the Implementation of Government Decision 3790: Monitor Report

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In May 2018, Decision 3790 for the Reduction of Socio-economic Gaps and Economic Development in East Jerusalem, was adopted by the government. The budget allocated for the Decision stood at approximately NIS 2.2 billion (approx. USD630 million) over the course of five years. The Decision included six main spheres of action: education and higher education; economy and employment; transportation; improving civil services and quality of life (leisure, water and sewage infrastructure); health; and land registration.
This is the first Government Decision of such magnitude made in the 51 years following Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem, and after many years of neglect. 
Government Decision 3790 was thus a significant first step toward large-scale economic investment in East Jerusalem. As soon as multiple budgets and officials were recruited, for some of whom participation in the project was the first glimpse of an unfamiliar reality, many opportunities were created, and new paths paved. While implementation of some sections of the Decision would seem to indicate a practical and beneficial approach, the plan was in effect promoted and presented from the outset as an initiative through which Israeli sovereignty could be applied over East Jerusalem, and as another means of “uniting” Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, for both internal and external consumption. 
Since adoption of the Decision, Ir Amim has been following, monitoring and analyzing its implementation for the “Monitor Report” project, which in 2020-2021 was conducted in collaboration with the Workers’ Advice Center (WAC-MAAN). This document constitutes the “Monitor Report” overview and interim analysis of the Government Decision’s implementation more