Planned Negligence - How Palestinian Neighborhoods Disappeared from Jerusalem's Current and Future Urban Planning Policies

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The discrimination against Palestinian residents of Jerusalem in the realms of planning and building is a well-known fact reflected in the statistics and analyses which have been produced and published extensively in the past.  However, new decisions approved over the past few years will only exacerbate this issue.

This report will expound upon these new decisions, made at the municipal and state level, and the vast impact they will have on planning policy and subsequent building in Jerusalem for at least the next two decades. These governmental decisions include the allocation of planning budgets; reliance on the light rail system to increase the building ratio; and shifting the focus of planning initiatives to urban renewal and densification projects. In particular, attention must be given to the Housing section of the “Israel 2040 Strategic Plan,”  approved by the government in 2017, which will oversee and guide all activities of the planning authorities for the next 20 years, until 2040. This paper will describe how the directives within the strategic plan include almost no plans for implementation in Palestinian neighborhoods - a plan, which was ostensibly informed by professional consideration and expert opinions, that has essentially sentenced hundreds of thousands of Palestinian residents of Jerusalem more