Ir Amim’s Position on the Proposed Legislation to Annex Ma’ale Adumim

Ir Amim’s Position on the Proposed Legislation to Annex Ma’ale Adumim
The proposed legislation to annex Ma’ale Adumim being promoted by right wing leaders would apply Israeli law over the city, as well as the E1 area which is included in its municipal boundaries.
The annexation of Ma’ale Adumim would substantially harm the existential interests of Israel.  It would perpetuate a settlement bloc in the heart of the West Bank and irreparably damage territorial contiguity between the northern and southern West Bank. Equally damaging, the annexation of Ma’ale Adumim and E1 will block East Jerusalem on its eastern side, swallow up its last development reserves and deepen its detachment from the West Bank. Given Ma’ale Adumim’s critical location in the heart of the West Bank, the international community has for years been following with special concern all developments in this area, seen as a touchstone for the viability of a two-state solution. The international community is further concerned by the situation of thousands of Bedouins who reside in the area and suffer harsh treatment as a result. Indeed, the Clinton Parameters (2001) included Ma’ale Adumim within the area to remain under Israeli sovereignty following the signing of an agreement and land swap. Yet this area is a substantially smaller one than today’s built-up area of Ma’ale Adumim, and in more