Planned Expansion of National Park in Old City Basin to be discussed by Local Planning Committee in early March

The alert has been jointly issued by Bimkom, Emek Shaveh, Ir Amim and Peace Now
As recently published by the Times of Israel, on March 2, 2022, the Jerusalem Municipality’s Local Committee for Planning and Construction is expected to discuss plan no. 674788 to expand the National Park around the Old City walls by 275 dunams (68 acres). The plan proposes the National Park land designation for areas on the slopes of the Mount of Olives, the Ben Hinnom Valley (Wadi Rababe) and beyond to Abu-Thor, the Kidron Valley and Wadi al-Joz, which includes privately-owned Palestinian land (including one existing home in al-Hizbe), and Church-owned land, encompassing some of the most important sites in Christianity. As a result of the proposed expansion, Palestinian neighborhoods will be cut off from the Old City and residential development for these communities will be further limited. 

Click on the link below for the full alert.


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