New Paper Release: Ramifications of the US Middle East Plan on the Future of Jerusalem

April 16, 2020
In the framework of coalition negotiations between Prime Minister Netanyahu and Blue and White party leader, Benny Gantz, annexation measures and unilateral implementation of portions of the US Middle East Plan appear to be on the near horizon. With the plan's recognition of Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem in its entirety, there has already been a spate of developments in some of the most politically sensitive and strategic locations in and around East Jerusalem, while inching closer towards potential annexation of "Greater Jerusalem" (the three large settlement blocs around the city). Advancement of the plan will have a lethal impact on the prospect for any future negotiated agreement and the establishment of a Palestinian capital in the city.
Ir Amim's new analysis paper, Ramifications of the US Middle East Plan on the Future of Jerusalemexplores and analyzes the plan's potent implications on the city's political future and the lives of its Palestinian residents against corresponding developments, which have taken place in East Jerusalem and its vicinity since the plan's official release.  
Click here or above for the full paper.