Home Demolitions in Walaje

Walaje is a Palestinian village located on the southern outskirts of Jerusalem, near Beit Jala. After the war of 1967, some of the village was annexed into Israel as part of Jerusalem and the rest remained as part of the West Bank.
Walaje’s location between the Gush Etzion settlements and Jerusalem makes its residents vulnerable to Israeli government measures to develop the area of southern Jerusalem.
The beautiful farmland and terraced hills that residents of Walaje have cultivated for generations have been declared an Israeli national park and their owners have been prohibited from accessing them.
The Separation Barrier built around the village’s houses further separates these farmers from their lands and deepens their isolation from neighboring Palestinian villages. As if this were not enough, planning policies completely prohibit construction within the village, hindering natural growth and development.
Join us as we learn about Walaje’s unique landscape: it’s history, agricultural heritage, and the realities of life under increasing pressure.
Oור tour will leave Friday, February 28th, at 09:00, from Gan Hapa'amon (Liberty bell park) parking lot.
It is recommended to bring water, food, and walking shoes.

for any questions please mail to: studytours@ir-amim.org.il 


Friday, February 28, 2020 - 13:00

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